(the gentle art of) Swedish Death Cleaning - I’ve had a lifelong habit of sorting other people’s shit, which stemmed from childhood exposure to the chaos of clinical craziness and reactively (or perhaps instinctively), if not compulsively, needing to group “like with like” for my own sanity. What I didn’t have at the time I was in the homeland of döstädning, was “the gentle art of” it.
Love this storytelling, thank you Melissa. This helped me to reframe my recent move following a breakup. I felt this in my bones... leaving everything behind that no longer served me including my actual self haha. Now having an entire house full of stuff that I choose to keep here. I think I’ve added weekend organizing to my spiritual practice. Thank you for sharing.
Love this storytelling, thank you Melissa. This helped me to reframe my recent move following a breakup. I felt this in my bones... leaving everything behind that no longer served me including my actual self haha. Now having an entire house full of stuff that I choose to keep here. I think I’ve added weekend organizing to my spiritual practice. Thank you for sharing.
Yes, it does become more and more a way of being and of life, as they say on the show!