as the Northern Hemisphere emerges from winter here’s a re-post from the snows of 20 Jan 22...I don't want to feel I am forever battling a tide of Showers and Tellers who insist on barraging me with their colourful feathers and loud squawkings. I appreciate when people play hide and seek with me. When I sense that an-other is actually listening, I am more likely to show and tell, but not until then. And you might very well wonder how this blog is not me showing and telling. Well it is! It's my way of it. The difference...
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Show & Tell vs. Hide & Seek
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as the Northern Hemisphere emerges from winter here’s a re-post from the snows of 20 Jan 22...I don't want to feel I am forever battling a tide of Showers and Tellers who insist on barraging me with their colourful feathers and loud squawkings. I appreciate when people play hide and seek with me. When I sense that an-other is actually listening, I am more likely to show and tell, but not until then. And you might very well wonder how this blog is not me showing and telling. Well it is! It's my way of it. The difference...